Friday, August 24, 2007

Today's Thoughts.....

Hats off to Generous Gem me thinks!! Certainly saved our bacon today at a cracking 10/1! Over all profit for the day though was just under two-and-a-half points, so it could have been pretty painful indeed.
A glitch with the trend-lays today and not happy about that at all. They had been going so well but I suppose a bad day was due. Let's hope that was it for a few more days at least.
I am also aware of the fact that the trend lays selected totalled two today but I have three down on the updated results list. Reason for this is that the trend-lay system actually picked a horse that I had selected for another system to WIN. Seeing as I already had the other systems selections posted before the trend lays were put up, I decided, in the interest of fairness to omit that selection from the trend-lay list. As it happened, the horse came 2nd (I'm sure you can guess what horse it was now), so in order not to mess my spreadsheet up, I have included the result in the updated tables list.
Until tomorrow then...

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